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How to
Conquer the NPTE

A Proven Strategy plus Personal Mentoring
that Teaches You
HOW to Conquer the NPTE

This test is about endurance and perseverance.

You have the degree - now let's get licensed.

Each time you miss the point of the question (what it's truly asking), 
you immediately give that question up to chance. 

We ensure you have CONFIDENT ABILITY to interpret the question and we train you in a PRECISE process for how to answer each question.

You NEED a NPTE strategy.

Get started today with our free NPTE strategy assessment video.

Ready to stop second-guessing yourself on the test?

you CAN conquer this test.

Dr. Charlie Shauf, PT, DPT

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I never thought I would see the day! I thought IF I would ever see this day, I suspected I was going to be a little ungrateful that this whole journey took so long. 


This victory is that much sweeter!


I stared at the screen for such a long time in disbelief because I just couldn’t wrap my head around the word PASSED, considering I got used to seeing the word FAILED 6 times prior. 


You opened my mind on how to tackle this personal Goliath of mine and to face my fear of this thing. I think I may have told you that I’ve never felt truly prepared for this exam every time I was weeks leading up to it, but this time felt different. I felt content leaving that place knowing that I did my best. 

Dr. Sattler

Dr. Jace Sattler PT, DPT, COMT is the founder of Elevate Strategies. With teaching and instructing being her passion, a desire to combine her passion and professional degree kindled the creation of a program that transitions students to clinicians. She has formed an incredible team around her that helps launch students into their career. Her favorite part of working with students on the NPTE is the moment the connection clicks - sometimes it is a student’s eyes lighting up with comprehension, sometimes it is an email channeling excitement at “finally getting it”, but the best is that PASS confirmation on her student’s FSBPT account.  She understands how much is at stake and how to navigate the challenges and enable her students to conquer the exam. 

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Not Sure Where To Start?

How about a practice exam?


One of the best ways to launch your studying is to take our FREE preview exams. Custom-designed to mirror NPTE®-style exam questions, our preview exams help you define and solidify your needs to conquer this test!


Practice your question-answering strategies, check your content knowledge, & assess your strengths and shorts.


Pick your version below (or try both!).

“It is not the mountain we conquer,
but ourselves”
~Edmund Hillary

Our Recent Summiters!



We went through actual symptoms of strokes and how to. remember them without just memorizing the content but actually processing and thinking through what is going on in the body.  

Aerial Forest


I cannot express how grateful I am for Jace.  I cannot imagine getting through this exam without her!   She makes me feel comfortable asking questions and confident in myself.  I would 10/10 recommend her to ANYONE.  Seriously, she is such a gift!



Jace is such a great person.  She is willing to go above and beyond and makes the sessions enjoyable.   I feel comfortable learning and interacting with her about anything.  She brings a fun positive attitude every session and makes me feel self confident in myself.

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